TYCMtgReClosures031511The Texas Youth Commission (TYC) will conduct an informational community meeting in Brownwood on Saturday, March 26, 2011, to hear from community leaders, facility employees, members of the public, volunteers and youth advocates about the impact its secure institutions have on the Brownwood community.  The meeting will be held at Brownwood High School (2100 Slayden) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Current and projected budget shortfalls, along with reduced youth populations, will require TYC to close up to three of its 10 secure facilities across the state.  The agency is scheduling meetings in each town in which it has a facility to hear from community members about the unique features of the facility and supportive community resources, what the agency would lose by a closure at that location, any ability to repurpose the facilities,  how closure would impact the community, and the facilities’ future expansion potential.

When closures take place, remaining TYC facilities may be required to expand their youth populations.  Agency leaders are interested in hearing whether specific communities have the resources to support an increase in the number of youth and employees.

“The Brownwood community has been very supportive partner of the Texas Youth Commission for many years,” TYC Executive Director Cherie Townsend said.  “As we make some very difficult funding decisions, I believe it is important to hear from the people who could be most affected by these closures.”

The community meeting will be attended by Townsend and at least one member of the TYC Board.  The meeting is open to the public and anyone interested is invited to attend.