TBECThe Texas Business and Education Coalition named Woodland Heights Elementary school as one of its Honor Roll Schools for this year.

The Texas Business and Education Coalition’s Honor Roll for 2009 recognizes 254 of the state’s most outstanding public schools. Being named a TBEC Honor Roll school is the most prestigious academic award a Texas public school can achieve.

The list represents less than 4% of all public schools in Texas and includes 13 High Schools, 35 middle schools and 206 elementary schools. In analyzing every public school in Texas TBEC considers only the school’s commended performance, the state’s highest standard for academic achievement and sets specific targets for schools based on grades served and student demographics.

The 2009 standards were by far the toughest in the 10 year history of the award. All schools were expected to improve their commended performance from 2008 and every school was required to have a minimum of 20% of students tested performing at the commended level on ALL tests for 2009.

TBEC will recognize all the Honor Roll schools on Monday, November 9, 2009 at an Awards Reception and Dinner in San Antonio sponsored by HEB and IBM

This will be the 5th year in a row that Woodland Heights Elementary has received this award.