Ruby O. Wishert, 98, of DeLeon passed away Thursday August 21, 2014. The family will hold a memorial service 10 a.m. Saturday September 13, 2104 at the home of her sister, Edith Kleiner.
Arrangements are with Heartland Funeral Home of Comanche. Please visit to sign the book to the family.
Ruby was born April 10, 1916, in Lovington, New Mexico to Christopher Columbus and Evvie Mae (Bihl) Van Zandt. She is survived by her daughter Betty Jo Davis of Granbury, TX., 2 sisters, Edith Kleinier and Marj McCall, 3 grandchildren, Christopher Davis of Granbury, Mike Parrish of Elgin, and Joe Weldon Parrish of San Angelo, two great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husbands, Joe Wishert and Dave Wishert; daughter, Mattie Peral Parrish; parents, and, five brothers and four sisters.