
Ranger College’s School of Vocational Nursing graduated 71 new LVNs on Friday night at Coggin Avenue Baptist Church’s Christian Life Center.  Ranger College officials estimate that around 1000 people were in attendance to watch family members and friends graduate from the nursing program.   A live television feed was broadcast to other areas of the center so overflow crowds could watch the event live with the main room over capacity.  Many watched with emotion as the new nurses participated in the capping ceremony and walked across the stage.

Former Brownwood Mayor Bert Massey spoke to the students about the importance of having good nurses in a community.  Massey told the group about his own recent series of medical issues and the contributions nurses played in his recovery.

“What made all of that bearable was the care and compassion that I received from the nurses,” Massey said.

Massey told the students that showing compassion to others is a key component to a good nurse and that it will help build lasting relationships with others.

“You are never going to be rich in terms of money,” Massey said. “But you will be rich in terms of the relationships that you establish.”

Officials at Ranger College said that more than half of those who graduated on Friday maintained an A average.

Pictured at top is Massey speaking to the graduating class.  See photos from the LVN graduation below.



