Hedit Hernandez gives her mother, Maria, a kiss on the cheek after receiving her degree during the Ranger College’s Fall graduation ceremonies on Dec. 2 at the Coggin Ave. Baptist Church in Brownwood. Hernandez, a native of Desdemona, was among 70 RC students graduating during the ceremony.
Press Release – Hedit Hernandez had plenty of reason to smile on Friday, December 2nd, in front of a standing-room-only crowd in the Coggin Avenue Baptist Church. She, along with 69 others, were officially college graduates.
Hernandez was among 70 graduates earning diplomas and certificates during Ranger College’s Fall commencement exercise. In all, nine students graduated from with Associate of Arts degrees while 34 more earned Associate of Science degrees. Additionally, six graduated with certificates by completing from Ranger College’s School of Cosmetology.
“It’s almost like it isn’t real,” said Hernandez, who was among four students to receive both an Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree. “I’m very excited about graduating and continuing on.”
“We congratulate each of you here tonight and want you to know we are proud of you,” said Ranger College President William J. Campion during the ceremony. “Life is pretty interesting. We only cross this way once and from here on, you will all go forward and begin a new chapter in your lives. Statistics says that 82 percent of students who get an Associate’s Degree will not go on. I want to encourage you to take that next step. Keep moving forward.”
The graduates also received the praise of Brownwood Independent School District Superintendent Dr. Joe Young, who served as the event’s guest speaker. Young commended each student for their success and urged them to take advantage of the opportunity they had given themselves by remembering to E-A-T.
“That piece of paper that you are going to receive. That diploma is just an opportunity. It’s not a guarantee. It’s not a ticket to do something. It is just an opportunity that when you wake up in the morning you will have different than what you woke up this morning with. I want you to think about eating every day, and I want you to attack that opportunity every day using this analogy. The ‘E’ stands for enthusiasm. Be fired up. Whatever you are going to do, whether it is a nurse, an engineer or a teacher. Love it and get after it every day. The ‘A’ stands for attitude. One of the few things in life that we fully control is our attitude. There are very, very few things that you totally control, but you attitude is one of them so take control of it.”
“The last thing is the ‘T’ and it stands for Tempo,” he said. “You have got to get after it. You never know how many minutes you are going to have so get after it. Set a good pace for yourself and have a good tempo.”
“Tonight as you leave and you are with your families and you show your diploma and snap your pictures, and then you say ‘Let’s go eat,” I want that two mean to tings for you. One: Go get something to eat, and secondly, I want you to say that you are going to take this opportunity that you have with enthusiasm, a great attitude and tempo.”
“Again, I’m fire up for you. It is a great, great opportunity that you have given yourselves,” he added.
In his closing remarks, Campion urged the students to fill their lives with special memories. If they could do that, they would be able to live a full and happy life.
“If we live our lives like we ought to, it will be filled with high water marks. It will be filled with those good memories,” he said.
Degrees Awarded
Brandon Day Brownwood, TX
Olga Fraga Stephenille, TX
Kelley Mannke Eastland, TX
Jonathan Narvais Weatherford, TX
LeAnn Rister Hamlin, TX
Carter Skaggs Willow Park, TX
Morgan Spain Fort Worth, TX
Anna Vallejo Brownwood, TX
Tommy Wells Jr. Strawn, TX
Allison Allee Stephenville, TX
Ruboneka Bonheur Houston, TX
Kimberly Casey Ranger, TX
Stormy Clark Gustine, TX
Xavier Coronodo Albany, TX
Ernesto Duran Stephenville, TX
Jennifer Fox Ranger, TX
Loida Garcia Dublin, TX
Jeri Gill Stephenville, TX
Jessica Hallmark Stephenville, TX
Manuel Hernandez Houston, TX
Nathan Honeycutt Ranger, TX
Benisse Inamahoro Burundi, Africa
Linda Kelleher Stephenville, TX
Shelly King Brownwood, TX
Emilie Linares Pasadena, TX
Adriana Lopez Comanche, TX
Mariana Lopez Dublin, TX
Reagan Mayes Ranger, TX
Narco Nino Acapulco, Mexico
Heather Ortiz Abilene, TX
Elexus Price Ranger, TX
Humberto Ramos Stephenville, TX
Sierra Rush Lampasas, TX
Bailey Rice Grandview, TX
Edgardo Rivera Stephenville, TX
Daniel Rodriguez Dublin, TX
Aaron Sadler May, TX
Carlos Saravia Dallas, TX
Haley Stuckey Port Lavaca, TX
Steven Tortomasi Ranger, TX
Lorenzo Villanueva Dallas, TX
Marcus Williams Kountze, TX
Karen Zepeda Wilcox, AZ
Hedit Hernandez Desdomona, TX
Alexa McCamey Stephenville, TX
Rene McCamey Stephenville, TX
Emily Russell Zephyr, TX
Nicolette Andrews Blanket, TX
Summer Byrne Baird, TX
Amelia Collins Brownwood, TX
Omega Delgado Brownwood, TX
Shi Anne Elkins May, TX
Mariah Fields Brownwood, TX
Olivia Hidrago Sidney, TX
Jamie Hollstein Early, TX
Miranda Johnson Fort Worth, TX
Mary Lee Houston, TX
Megan Portnajmer Early, TX
Michelle Saucedo Menard, TX
Crystal Tavera Dublin, TX
Ariel Todd Brownwood, TX
Stephanie Wheeler Midland, TX
Kimberly Curnutt Brownwood, TX
Clarence Hickerson Brownwood, TX
Marissa Hicks Brownwood, TX
Stephanie Pitcox Brady, TX
Tonya Sherrill Pennsylvania
Sarah Young Dublin, TX