ArtAssociationLogoThe Brownwood Art Association has extended viewing times for the People Painter’s art exhibit currently showing at the Art Center at 215 Fisk.

The public is invited to view the exhibit free of charge this Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 22-22, from 1-3 p.m. and next weekend, Nov. 28-29, also from 1-3pm. This will be the last chance to see this unique exhibit by some of the most talented Brownwood artists, past and present.

The People Painters originated with the late Maureen Stewart, long-time chair of the art department at Howard Payne University.  In 1980, Stewart organized a weeklong workshop she called “People Painters,” where participants, each using his or her medium of choice, painted portraits of live models.  The format was so popular that members decided to continue meeting after the workshop concluded.

It is probably safe to say that Stewart never imagined that, thirty-four years later, local artists, some of whom were in the original group, would still be meeting weekly to paint portraits of volunteer models from the community.

Local artists Brenda Shaw and Martha Middleton are two of the early members who still paint with the group today.  Others involved originally were Mary Cadenhead, Claudia Stubblefield, Rita Bettis, and Sue Thierman, in addition to, of  course, Stewart.  Ima Gem Queen and Bernice Jones were also early participants.

Another local artist Sandra McSwain has been credited by others in the group as one of the reasons they are still painting today, often securing a model and sending emails to keep members informed.

Over the years, the group has met at First Christian Church, Brownwood High School, and First United Methodist Church; they currently paint from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons at the Brownwood Art Association Art Center.

Members have changed too, but the format has remained the same.  A Community volunteer serves as the model, and the People Painters paint or draw – with pastels, acrylics, watercolors, oils, charcoal, etc.  All skill levels are welcome.

Membership in the People Painters group is free and open to all.  Anyone who would like to become a member or who might like to model for the group, is encouraged to contact Sandra McSwain at 325-646-8704.