Despite rainfall Tuesday night across Brown County, Lake Brownwood only gained about an inch in elevation.
According to Brown County Water Improvement District General Manager Dennis Spinks, rainfall totals around the area ranged up to 1.5 inches, however only about 1 inch of rain fell over Lake Brownwood and no runoff made it into the lake.
“We saw only a 0.07 foot elevation rise in the lake, which is equal to an inch, with no runoff,” said Spinks. “The elevation of the lake is 1413.15 after the rain, which is 10.85 feet below spillway. We have stayed near 10 feet below spillway all winter.”
Spinks explained that typically the watershed brings water into the Pecan Bayou which flows into Lake Brownwood, but the lake and the bayou are two separate bodies of water because of the low water levels of both.
Although the lake elevation increased slightly, Spinks stated that the rain did help in other ways.
“The rain yesterday, it did a world of good for pastures and lawns, soaking in and replenishing the moisture in the soil,” said Spinks. “If it rains again soon, we’ll get better runoff.”
He explained how the rains, although they didn’t put much water into the lake, they do help lower the demand on treated water, ultimately conserving more water within the lake in the short term.
Forecasts give the area a 20% chance of rain next week; however Spinks stated that the long range forecasts continue to predict a hot dry summer for the area. He stated that he hopes April through June will see the usual rains, which will help the drought situation.
“In April to June, we usually get good rain. I hope we’ll get about 3 inches of rains on the watershed,” stated Spinks who said cold fronts in the next few months could bring thunderstorms with hard fast rains, which would help get water into the Lake.
Spinks stated that the BCWID website is once again in working order and that the public can check daily lake elevations. Click here to check lake elevations throughout the year.