leapinglionThe Brownwood Middle School Lady Cub volleyball team has announced it will play Llano on October 15th as a fundraising event for DaLin Cummings, a Digital Media Specialist at Brownwood Middle School who was recently diagnosed with cancer.

“We want to raise money to help with her traveling expenses and any other expenses she might have,” said Brownwood Middle School coach Judy Kennedy.  “We want her to know we care and we love her.”

DaLin is currently undergoing chemo treatments in Temple due to spots found on her spine.

“DaLin played volleyball for me at Brownwood High School several years ago,” said Kennedy. “We would like to donate our concessions and t-shirt profits to her.”

Kennedy noted that the fundraising event also falls during Breast Cancer Awareness month and t-shirt orders must be completed by Wednesday, October 3rd.  The games will begin at 5:00 p.m. at the Brownwood Middle School.

Order forms for t-shirts and additional information can be found online at http://www.brownwoodisd.org/dalinvballmatch.