JohnEricksonHankTheCowDogThe Brownwood Community Concert Association presents John Erickson, creator of Hank the Cow Dog from 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 14th at Victory Life Church Auditorium.

John Erickson of Perryton, Texas brings Hank the Cow Dog to Brownwood for an evening of songs and stories.  Hank the Cow Dog is Head of Ranch Security.  John will enlighten and delight the audience with his tales and songs about Hank.

John has written a series of books for people of all ages about Hank the Cow Dog.  He has won Lamplighter awards for many other publications.  Children as well as adults will certainly enjoy this concert.

Victory Life Church is located at 701 C.C. Woodson in Brownwood.  Admission is by membership subscription or single tickets by request.  For membership/tickets information contact Jo Ann Manigold at 325-643-6049 or email