ACE_ArtShow2015_4The Early ACE (Afterschool Centers on Education) program recently held an art show at the Brownwood Art Center, located at 215 Fisk Street in Brownwood.  The ACE Program is utilized at Early Primary, Elementary, and Middle schools.

Student artwork was featured and viewed by the public as well as other local elementary students.  Pictured above and below are 3rd to 5th grade students from Early Elementary.

ACE is administered by the Texas Education Agency and funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program through the US Department of Education. It offers highly effective, rigorous, research-based programs that focus on academic assistance, enrichment, family and parental support services, and college and workforce readiness.

Pictured above are Early Elementary students viewing photography at the exhibit.  Below are a few of the students with their artwork.  Photos contributed.


Maggie Robison


Jesus Rodriguez


Caleb Pinkard