commissionercourtarticlepicBrown County commissioners will hold a public hearing at 9:00 a.m. on June 23rd to discuss changing the speed limits on portions of two county roads.  These speed limit changes are subject to approval by the court on Monday after public hearings are completed.

Commissioner Joel Kelton, Precinct 2, will bring the following discussions before the court and ask for approval to post speed limit of 35 mph on CR 411 beginning at Hwy 183W for 6/10 mile and post speed limit of 20 mph on CR 461 beginning 2/10 mile south of the intersection of CR 561 to the end of the road.

Citizens who wish to address the court regarding these possible speed limit changes may speak during the public hearing which will be held in the Brown County commissioner’s court room.

Other matters the court will consider include:

*Possible approval of action regarding burn ban

*Consideration and possible approval of waiver and resolution for match grant CR 225 bridge at Clear Creek

*Consideration and possible approval of waiver and resolution for match grant CR 258 bridge at Doudle Creek

*Consideration and possible approval to new landowner contract

*Consideration and possible approval of part time/seasonal employee, Dorothy Burwick in the Brown County Elections Office.