Parrack1Roy and Charlotte Parrack were recently blessed by hosting a young orphan lady from Colombia in their home for the holiday season.  Charlotte first met July (pronounced Julie) Johanna Buitrago in March when she attended a mission trip with Orphan Hope International. OHI’s President is Charlotte’s brother.

“I only went to support my brother and share in the experience with him,” Charlotte said.  “I never expected to actually bond with someone and fall in love with her.”

Charlotte had been communicating through email and Facebook with July since March, but when OHI was successful in getting a vacation program approved for other God daughters to come visit their Padrinos and Madrinos (God Mothers and God Fathers) or their potential adoptive families, she was quick to ask for July.

“July is not adoptable due to her age, but she still needs love and encouragement in her life,” Charlotte said.  “She has been a part of the system since she was a baby, and is doing an admirable job of gaining the tools she needs to be a productive citizen in her country.”

Orphans in the institutions who “age out” at age 18 are sent out into the world with little hope since they have no support in their lives for a safe place to live, go to school, or find a job.  Many turn to prostitution or drug trafficking to survive.  The statistics are overwhelming, and we cannot save them all but we can do what we can as Christians to help as many as we can.  Orphan Hope International’s #1 goal is to get haven homes bought and staffed to assist the older orphans in job skills and prevent them from living on the street. In 2010 Colombia had 577,000 orphans. Orphan Hope International makes approx. 4 organized trips to Colombia per year and minister to approx. 500 orphans per trip.

“My brother has been ministering to orphans in Colombia for about 5 years, with a God Daughter of his own”, says Charlotte. “My entire family has fallen in love with July and we want to continue to be a part of her life however we can.”

If anyone is interested in adoption, becoming a Padrino, or going on a mission trip you can get more information by visiting