
Colonel Russell O. Fudge, a Pacific War Veteran and the first director of the Douglas MacArthur of Freedom at Howard Payne University, was awarded the Commemorative VJ Day Medal by the VFW Post 3278. The ceremony was held on Thursday, September 2, at the Songbird Lodge in Brownwood.  VJ Day marks the 65th anniversary of the victory over Japan and the end of World War II.

Presenting the medal were Col. Fudge’s son-in-law LTC James Masters, Retired U.S. Army and his daughter Major Jane Masters, Retired U.S. Army Reserves.  Colonel Fudge is also the father of John D. Fudge, SSG, Retired Texas Army National Guard and Ann Fudge of Cresson, Texas.

Colonel Fudge was in the Division Staff at VJMedalCloseupthe creation of the 20th Armored Division. He was Chief of Staff of Anguar Garrison Forces, Pacific Theater, WWII.  He was the Army Deputy at the surrender of the Bonin Islands; Theater Staff of Mid-Pacific Army Theater Command; He served five years with the Pentagon Staff; Chief First Army Field Training Team to Turkey; Commander, Combat Command 40th Armored Division at Fort Hood; Theater Staff based in Japan of Joint Army-Army Air Force and Pacific Theater Command.

Col. Fudge was the first director of HPU’s Academy of Freedom, a position he held for 17 years following his retirement as a full Colonel, Regular Army, from the faculty of the U.S. Army War College.

Colonel Fudge is 99-years-old and is the oldest member of VFW Post 3278.  Below is a video of the medal presentation along another video of Colonel Fudge’s comments regarding the anniversary of VJ Day.

“We once had a great war.  We won because the whole nation was at war, every race, every religion, and genders, we fought and we won,” stated Col. Fudge.

Pictured above (left to right) are:  Tom Denison, retired Sergeant First Class, US Army and Master at Arms; Todd Powell retired Corporal, US Marines and is the Junior Vice Commander; Colonel Fudge; Jane Masters, Major, Retired US Army Reserves; and James Masters, LTC, Retired US Army (Not pictured but present was Billy Murphey, retired Gunnery Sergeant, US Marine Corps and Marine Corps League Commandant).


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