
City of Brownwood workers demolished a pair of old frame homes on Friday in the 1400 block of Vincent, directly behind Brookshires grocery store.

Brownwood’s Director of Development Services Kevin Pate said that the homes were is poor condition and considered public nuisances.

“City initiated discussions with the property owner during March 2011.  He agreed the structures were in bad condition but wanted some time to maybe move or sell to someone interested in rehabilitating the structures,” Pate said.  “He asked for a 1 year grace period which the city agreed to. That period ended and there was no one interested in the property so demolition was scheduled.”

Pate said that the houses were considered to be in a condition that violates city ordinances, and although the owner agreed that they were in violation, he did not have the immediate resources to demolish them so the city stepped in.

“The owner will be sent a bill for the cost of demolition,” Pate said.

If residents have properties that meet the definition of being a sub-standard structure and a public nuisance, they should contact the City of Brownwood’s Development Services Department to see if the city can assist, according to Pate.   This can also apply to properties full of unwanted junk, Pate said.

“Keep in mind though that the property must be in a state that violates the ordinances, the city must charge for these services, a bill will be sent and if not paid a lien must be placed on the property,” Pate said.

Pate also said that the city staff wants to help make Brownwood a nice place to live for all citizens.

“A place where people can sit out on their property in the cool of the evening and not have to look at a junk yard, illegally dumped tires, an unsightly abandoned building, a property overgrown with weeds and bramble which is a fire hazard, a mosquito pit and haven for rats, snakes and other wild animals,” Pate said.  “If your neighbors aren’t being neighborly and you can’t talk to them very easily…call us; we can talk to them for you.”

Brownwood’s Development Services Department can be reached at 325-646-5331

Photos by Emily Hutson

