Brownwood News – The Brownwood/Brown County Child Welfare Board announces three new members recently inducted into the board. The three, approved by Brown County Commissioners Court last Monday, were Vergie Gerald, Ciera Ray, and Cheryl Crawford.



Virgie Gerald is originally from San Angelo and graduated from Angelo State University. She is a retired teacher, recently the head of Special Education at Brownwood High School. Virgie states that she always enjoyed teaching and the students. She and her husband Jim have two sons and four grandchildren who are their pride and joy. She further states that as she grew up in a loving, supportive home, she realizes that not all children have that experience. Therefore, she desires to be a part of the Child Welfare Board of Brown County to help and support children.

Ciera Ray has a Bachelor of Arts in Family Studies from Howard Payne University and a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Texas. Her professional experience includes serving youth and their families connected to the juvenile justice system by providing individual, group, and family therapy. She has also had the opportunity to provide case management services to adults with mental health issues. She currently is providing social work services in a medical setting through her work with a long-term care facility, a critical access hospital, and a home health/hospice agency in Coleman. Ciera desires to use her training and knowledge to serve the children of Brown County on the Child Welfare Board.

Cheryl Crawford resides in Bangs, Texas and obtained a diploma from Central Texas Commercial College in Brownwood in Computerized Accounting/Legal Secretary program. Cheryl and her husband, Larry, are the parents of two children who were adopted as babies. She has experience with Child Protective Services, parenting/medical/psychological training and Foster Parent Certification and Respite Care Certification. She is currently employed with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department/Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex as an Administrative Assistant ll to the Orientation and Assessment Program Manager. She states that she loves children, whether her own, relatives, or wards of the state. She states that she has a soft spot from children who are less fortunate than others. She further states that her mission in requesting a place on the Brown County Child Welfare Board is to be able to make a difference in the lives of the children it serves.

Other members of the board include: Jared Trowbridge (Chairperson); Judy Brownlee (Vice-Chairperson); Connie Wyatt (Secretary); Jonathan Harvey (Treasurer); Jeannie Dolberry (Parliamentarian); Toni Damron; Cindy Whited; and Jill Evans.