
Due to the ice storms during this year’s sale, the Zephyr Girl Scouts have a lot of unsold cookies and would rather send them to the troops than back to the bakery.

The Zephyr Girl Scout Troop will be hosting a Cookie Drive at Commerce Square from 12:00-2:00pm on Sunday March 20th.  Please come buy a box or two.  Those purchasing cookies may also bring a short note to be sent with the cookies.   Cookies are $3.50 per box.  If your personal cookie supply has run low, you can buy some for yourself as well!

Below is an excerpt from a note the Zephyr Girl Scout Troop received from a soldier:

Thank you Girl Scouts for the support you provide to our forward deployed troops.  The unit I am with is responsible for collecting explosives “outside the wire” in Baghdad.  Part of our daily duties includes retrieving rockets pointed at our base that are discovered by Iraqis.

One day our group was having a difficult time convincing some Iraqis to hand over a rocket. One of our guys remembered that we had a box of cookies in our armored truck…after some bantering back and forth; they agreed to trade the rocket for the cookies.

The Iraqis were so impressed with the “American delicacies” that they even posed for a picture.  The picture was sent up through the chain of command with the caption “The Girl Scout’s Cookies for Bombs Program”.  Your cookies made it possible to secure a dangerous weapon.  I thought you would like to know how much the cookies are appreciated, not just as a tasty reminder of home, but as a valuable trading commodity.

Respectfully submitted,

Lt. Paul C.

Last year the Girl Scouts of America sent 43,501 boxes of cookies to soldiers.  Their goal is to increase that number this year and to include a note of encouragement with each box.