The Pecan Valley Republican Women will host their monthly luncheon at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 22nd at the Brownwood Country Club. The public is invited to attend.
Warren is deeply involved in every type and level of Republican volunteer efforts. She is a core volunteer for Republican Headquarters in Bell County, has assisted the county chair with all aspects of conducting the Republican Primary. She has been instrumental in developing and presenting a campaign management school for local candidates and a refresher course for election workers. She actively worked as campaign manager for the present Bell County Attorney. She also worked with the Greg Abbott Campaign to get out the vote, phone banking and block walking. She is a deputy registrar, has worked as an election judge, ballot board member and served on the primary committee which canvassed the election. She has contributed to both precinct and county conventions. She has chaired the nominations committee and was elected a delegate to the state conventions in Fort Worth and Dallas. She is serving a second term as vice-chairman for the Republican Party of Bell County. She was elected TFRW District Director for SD 24 in 2015. She was born in upstate New York and has resided in Central Texas for over 35 years with her husband, Bob. She is a graduate of Central Texas College. Both she and her husband are US Army Veterans.
Membership with the Pecan Valley Republican Women’s Club is not required to attend the luncheon. Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP by text or call to Rebecca at 325-998-3880. Cost of the buffet is $14.