YouveBeenBootedThe Brownwood High School Lionettes drill team is currently raising money to pay for their trip to New York City where they will participate in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.  The current fundraiser is called “You’ve Been Booted.”

Similar to the “Pass the Porcelain” fundraiser of last year where toilets were placed in the yards of the chosen, this year, two large wooden cutouts of drill team boots will be placed in yards.  For a $20 donation, the boot will be removed and passed to another person of the resident’s choice.

The Lionettes are proud to have their Little Lionettes  in a pre-game performance on October 2nd at the Lions football game against Springtown.  Little Lionettes are asked to meet at the stadium at 6:30 October 2nd wearing their shirt from Little Lionette camp.  “Big” Lionettes will call their “little Lionettes with details.  Practice is from 6:15 – 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, September 29th in the gym.