CityofBrownwoodlogo_smallBrownwood Animal Control received the first positive confirmation of rabies of 2011 inside the city limits on Wednesday, May 4th.

A skunk was collected from the 400 block of 4th Street and determined to be rabid.

Animal Control advises the public to keep watch for animals displaying symptoms of rabies such as nocturnal animals being out during the day, stumbling or uncoordinated walking, unexplained paralysis, seizures, and changes in behavior.

Texas recognizes five animals at high risk for rabies transmission:  skunks, bats, foxes, coyotes, and raccoons.  If any of these or any other animal is seen acting strangely, please contact Animal Control as soon as possible at 325-646-2525.

Animal Control reminds citizens that this is a good time to make sure your pet’s rabies shots are up-to-date.  The City of Brownwood requires yearly rabies shots.