Kiera_RowonnaKiera loves to come to work with us from time to time. Actually, if you ask her she is an employee of Willie’s T’s.

If someone asks where Aaron and I work, Kiera pipes in that she also works at Willie’s T’s where she makes shirts and letters.

One evening, she was trying to argue with Aaron. He gently pulled her onto his lap and quietly said to her, “Daddy is the boss. Whatever Daddy says is what you do. Understand?”

She pondered that for a second before responding, “Well, Mr. Will is your boss!”

Apparently, in her mind, Mr. Will trumps the Daddy boss card.

There are times I will pick her up from daycare early and let her come back to work with us for a short time. Once we get in the building, she heads for the time clock to clock me in. I have managed to convince her that she does not need a time card.

After getting clocked in, she usually starts in the sign shop helping Aaron.  Sometimes she helps by pushing the print buttons, sweeping his floor or calling my office extension for a quick chat about her work.

Once she is done working in Aaron’s area, she heads straight to my office. My job is not as impressive to her as Aaron’s.  She quickly gets bored typing email responses although she does like to help push buttons when I am working on designs. Before leaving my office, she will call Aaron on his extension and check his progress.

After completing her “work” and checking our progress, she heads over to the Pac-Man game for some relaxation. It cracks me up!

One day, she even thanked a customer and told them to come back! I’m waiting for the day that she decides she should try and buy Will out of his own business.

Last week, I was gathering her swim gear to send with her to daycare. I pulled out a pink beach towel and a Willie’s T’s beach towel. I held them up for her and said, “Honey, which towel do you want to take? The pink one or your work one?”

“My work towel!” She excitedly responded.

“How about this afternoon when I pick you up we go to the store and I will buy you a towel to leave at your daycare?”

She paused in packing her bag and glanced over her shoulder at me. Her lower lip came out in her famous pout. “I don’t want another towel. I want my work towel.”

I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation.  “But, don’t you want a Barbie or Frozen or some other towel?”

She stood quietly contemplating for a moment before grudgingly saying, “I guess so.” I never would have imagined having that hard of a time coaxing my little girl into buying something “girl” related. That’s how hardcore she is about her “work.”

Well, my sweet princess is tucked in her bed with her Quack-Quack. Right now, she is a sleeping little angel. In the morning, she will be ready to move mountains, tackling everything that comes her way with independence and stubbornness.