YellowRoseScholarshipHoward Payne University junior Caitlin Woodard is the recipient of the HPU Woman’s Club Yellow Rose Scholarship for the 2010-2011 academic year. The award was announced at the 2010 HPU Woman’s Club Yellow Rose Luncheon held on April 29, in the Richard and Wanda Jackson Conference Room located in the Paul and Jane Meyer Faith and Life Leadership Center.

Woodard is a cross-cultural studies major from Abilene. She has been very involved in a variety of campus activities during her time at HPU, including serving as a leader for Freshman Leadership Evangelism Ministry and Disciple Now weekends, playing intramurals and being a member of Ministerial Alliance. Earlier this spring, Woodard traveled to Vancouver, Canada, during the Winter Olympics to share the gospel through Action Ministries International.

The HPU Yellow Rose Scholarship is presented annually to a female sophomore at HPU who maintains at least a 3.0 grade point average, participates in extracurricular activities and exhibits leadership qualities representative of Christian values. The scholarship is presented annually at the HPU Woman’s Club Yellow Rose Luncheon.

Two area businesses served as sponsors for the luncheon this year. Laura Lacey Johnson of Mary Kay Cosmetics provided a $500 sponsorship and the event underwriter was Brownwood Regional Medical Center.

Photo contributed by Kalie Lowrie: Pictured above, HPU first lady Dr. Diana Ellis (right) presented junior Caitlin Woodard (left) with the 2010 Yellow Rose Scholarship during the HPU Woman’s Club Yellow Rose Luncheon.