Brownwood News – The Woodland Heights Green Team was initiated ten years ago by Jordan Roberts, who had just completed 10th grade. The team consisted of fewer than 10-12 kids and they collected between 2000 and 3000 pounds of recycling the first few years.



The original team developed a “hiring” process, complete with a job-like application and essay questions, along with three references that must be obtained attesting to strong solid character. Part of the “job” requirements include passing grades in all subjects and a strong work ethic, along with honor and integrity demonstrated in all areas (the classroom, playground, and outside activities).

The team meets on Tuesday afternoons after school from 2:50 p.m. to 3:40 p.m., and there are five teams that are assigned to various areas of the school. Each team has a leader that serves in that capacity for four weeks at a time. 

“The teams meet together at the start time, receive their assignments and then get to work,” said Woodland Heights Elementary Counselor and Green Team Sponsor, Kimber Bennett. “They learn about leadership, working as a team, being a leader and how one functions as such within a team unit, how to problem solve and resolve conflicts.” 

The teams report to their assigned areas to collect and sort the recycling before loading it in the trailer provided by the City of Brownwood. At the end of the session, all the teams meet back together to review the work process and assess areas in which the teams worked well together and areas that might need to improve for the next week.

“In the beginning of the year, the teams take about an hour to collect, sort and load the trailer,” noted Bennett. “By the end of the year the teams can have the entire school done in twenty-seven minutes.”

The goals for the past few years:

2012 – 2013

Goal 18,000 / Reached 21,466 lbs.

2013 – 2014

Goal 30,000 / Reached 35,066 lbs.

2014 – 2015

Goal 37,000 / Reached 42, 219 lbs.

2015 – 2016 

Goal 45,000 / Reached 50,000 lbs. and continued to 55,000 and by last day of school had collected 56,309 pounds of recycling!

2016 – 2017

Goal 55,000 / Reached 61,789 lbs. The goal was raised by 5,000 lbs. twice before reaching a final total of 61,789 lbs.

2017 – 2018

Goal Leadership 

The focus this year was on leadership skills and working together as a team. The team ended the year strong with 48,357 pounds.

“I learned to work kindly and get along with one another,” stated Green Team member, Bennett Windham. “That is how my team works best.”

Team member Hanna Harper stated her greatest challenge was, “to work smarter,” instead of just harder.  She also noted, “Our teamwork helped us reach our goal.”

The trailer will be back on the Woodland Heights Elementary campus (the 3rd St. side) on Tuesday, August 28, and will be available Monday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. and stay through Tuesday afternoons until 4:00 p.m. The trailer will also be on campus every day that school is in session.

The team recycles the following materials:

  • Newspapers, magazines, and catalogs
  • #1 plastics (i.e. Water bottles, emptied and lids off, as well as some laundry detergent containers, look for the number 1 on the containers)
  • White office paper
  • Shredded paper (must be bagged and tied off)
  • Metal cans
  • Aluminum cans
  • Cardboard/paste board (i.e. Cereal boxes, etc.)

“We celebrated our tenth year of recycling and have achieved more than our team ever thought feasible in our ten years of existence,” said Bennett. “Thank you, Woodland Heights and Brownwood, for all of your support.”

On behalf of the Woodland Heights Green Team, Bennett also expressed her thanks to the following organizations and individuals: BHS Environmental Class, Gate One Inn, Mr. Prahu, Cain Electric, Mr. Anthony Garza, BISD Central Office, Karen Dempsey, and the Woodland Heights Neighborhood Association for their support and collection of recycling materials.

“We will be back up and running at the beginning of the school year and the goal will be even higher,” stated Bennett. “We welcome any help to support our recycling goals and to further sustain our resources.”