
Students and faculty at Woodland Heights Elementary in Brownwood have teamed up with Big Country Ford to help those in need in Brown County by hosting a donations drop off center on Saturday, October 31st at Big Country Ford in Brownwood.  The dealership is located at 500 W. Commerce.

To donate, those who wish to help may simply drive through the Big Country Ford parking lot, enter behind Underwoods, and students and staff will unload your donations.  Donations are also being accepted anytime before the event at Woodland Heights Elementary and Big Country Ford.

“All donations will be collected from your car, you don’t even have to get out,” explained Karey Morelock, Woodland Heights Physical Education teacher.  “This is a great opportunity for our students and our community to give to those in need.  Our goal is to fill every Ford truck on the lot.”

Through the work of students and generosity of the local Ford dealership, the Warm Feet, Warm Hands, Warm Hearts program is gathering gloves, socks, scarves, blankets, water, and non-perishable foods such as canned green beans.  All donations will benefit Good Samaritan Ministries and New Beginnings ministries.

Because this is such a large event, volunteers are needed.   Students, parents or members of the general public who would like to help with the event, may contact Coach Morelock by emailing karey.morelock@brownwoodisd.org.

For more information, visit BrownwoodISD.org and select Woodland Heights Elementary, then click on the Warm Heart image.