DavidCardozaEarly Police Chief David Mercer reported a domestic dispute that turned into a short hostage situation after a woman broke up with her boyfriend Wednesday.  The following is the report issued.

On Wednesday April 21st at approx 2:30am Officer Steven Means responded to a reported violent domestic disturbance at a local apartment complex. Upon his arrival along with backup officer Deputy Wes Copeland, 2 individuals stated they were ask to follow a friend to her apartment in Early where she wanted to retrieve some medicine for her daughter. She was afraid because she had broken up with her boyfriend earlier that day and he was very violent and she was afraid of him.

When they arrived at the apartment  the girl’s boyfriend stepped out from the bushes and picked up the victims’  7 year-old-daughter and took the car keys from the victims hands and opened the apartment door and went in. The victim tried to get the ex-boyfriend to let her and her daughter go, stating that all she wanted was to get her daughters medicine and leave. The ex-boyfriend then slammed the door and locked it and wouldn’t let the 24-year-old victim or her 7-year-old daughter leave.

The 2 friends outside could here screaming and crying from inside and noises that sounded like someone being hit or thrown around. When officers arrived they knocked numerous times calling out for them to open the door but no one answered. Officers could hear what sounded like a female crying inside. Officers continued to try to make contact with someone but still received no answer. Officers attempted to gain entry fearing the safety of the female and her child but were unable to due to several deadbolts on the heavy door. A male subject looked out the window several times but refused to come out.

Officer Means requested further assistance at which time Sgt. Tracy Delgado and Officer Kimberly Cantu arrived from Brownwood Police Department along with Sgt. Shawn Dibrell, Chief David Mercer and Lt. Tony Aaron from the Sheriff’s Office arrived. Officers were attempting to locate the apartment manager when they again heard screaming from inside the apartment at which time Officers used a battering ram to force entry to the apartment in fear of the victims being injured.

Once inside, 23-year-old David Cardoza was taken into custody. The victim and her 7-year-old daughter were not injured. Cardoza was taken to the Brown County jail and charged with Resisting Arrest, False Imprisonment Class A Misdemeanor for the girl and False Imprisonment State Jail felony for the child.