TexasForestryServiceEmergency responders are invited to hone their wildland firefighting skills at the 14th annual Central Texas Wildfire Academy, February 11–15.

The academy at Camp Bowie, in Brownwood, Texas, features wildland firefighting training for paid and volunteer departments, safety and fire operations courses in the wildland urban interface. Courses are customized to meet the needs of the fire departments in the region.

“The courses offered at this year’s Central Texas Wildfire Academy are nationally recognized courses that will assist firefighters who are interested in learning wildfire operations to better protect and serve their communities.” said Texas A&M Forest Service Wildland Urban Interface Specialist Matthew Lanier.  “This academy is a great training opportunity for firefighters with diverse backgrounds and experiences to come together and grow their knowledge about wildfire operations.”

The tuition cost to attend the academy is $40 to $100, depending on the course. Grant reimbursements are available to qualified volunteer fire departments through the Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program, a grant program funded by the state and administered by Texas A&M Forest Service. Grant applications and payment must be received prior to the start of the academy.

Dam Volunteer Fire Department will provide breakfast and lunch at an additional cost and water will be available each day at the station for participants.

For more information about meals and lodging or to register, go to the Texas Interagency Coordination Center website at http://ticc.tamu.edu/Training/training.htm or contact Charles Tice at 936-545-7184.

The Central Texas Wildfire Academy is sponsored by the Dam Volunteer Fire Department and Texas A&M Forest Service.