fitbyfaithlogoSome people will try to convince you that you need to do crazy things to lose weight, like cut out carbs for life, or eat nothing but cabbage, or follow a complicated regimen of shakes and pills and who knows what else. I’m not one of those people. I know that weight loss is actually very simple. If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. Tip the equation in the other direction, by eating more than you burn, and you’ll gain weight. Balance the equation, and you’ll maintain your weight. It’s not magic — it’s math.

If you want to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. First, you need to figure out how many calories your body burns on a daily basis. That number also happens to be the number of calories you can eat each day if you want to maintain your present weight. If you want to lose weight, you must subtract calories from that daily total. One pound of fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories, so if you want to lose 1 pound a week, you’d cut 500 calories each day (7 x 500 = 3,500). If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, you’d cut 1,000 calories a day. Once you make this subtraction, you have your “magic” number — the number of calories you should aim for each day to lose weight.

To make this process easier, there is a terrific online Healthy Body Calculator that can give you very accurate numbers as to how many calories you personally burn per day and what a good calorie level for you should be set at as well as other nutritional goal information

Once you know this information, check out the website, a free site that makes keeping track of your food quick and easy.  People who write down what they eat are more successful at losing weight.  I constantly go back to this when I feel like I am not reaching my nutritional goals to get back on track.  You can find me on livestrong with user ID  fitbyfaith and you can follow my diary for food ideas.

Remember that in order to lose weight and be healthy inside and out, you must fuel your body.  Dropping below 1200 calories a day can send you into starvation mode and your body wants to store fat.  Eating healthy foods to lose is the key!  The more high functioning your metabolism becomes, the more healthy food will be required to keep you running smooth and feeling good.

Lastly, my philosophy has always been, never make a change to your lifestyle that you cannot live with for the rest of your life.  Temporary changes give temporary results.  When you consider a diet pill, shake, no carb diet, etc, ask yourself, “Can I do this the rest of my life?”  If the answer is no, then don’t do it!   You don’t want to do anything long term that will ultimately harm you.

– Krista Johnson

Krista Johnson is the owner of Fit By Faith Fitness Center which was established in October of 2006. She is the mother of 4 children ages 18, 13, 10 and 6 and has a passion for helping others get in shape from the inside out. Krista is a walking testimony having lost over 100lbs and has successfully kept it off . During her weight loss, she had a vision of creating Fit By Faith. She believed she was to change the atmosphere of the gym and create a different environment for people to work out in. Krista is a former High School Theater Arts teacher and is currently attending college to obtain her B.A in Sports Medicine. She holds certifications as Personal Trainer with the International Sports Science Association Tae Bo® fitness instructor (Certified by the creator Billy Blanks) Group Fitness Instructor for Adults, Children and Seniors SilverSneakers® Muscle Strength & Range of Motion for Seniors Black Belt 1st Dan in the art of Tae Bo Kwon. She  maintains her certifications annually through continuing education classes and training camps and requires all her instructors at Fit By Faith to do the same.  She also competes in races and other competitions regularly. Krista has appeared in 3 Tae Bo® infomercials on national TV Shape, Collage Video, Looking Good Now and Christian Living Magazines Several times in the Brownwood Bulletin Newspaper. She has also been featured on several websites such as The Fitness Zone, The Biggest Loser, ivillage as well as the Billy Blanks Website. Krista has been a motivational speaker at many churches and radio stations. Krista and her husband John, who is co-owner of Fit By Faith, both have hearts to help others to feel good, to be healthy and strive everyday to serve more people in this manner.