HospiceOfTheBigCoWest Texas Rehab Hospice of the Big Country is looking for volunteers to join their volunteer program.  Training sessions are being offered in October.

Classes will be held in the Hospice of the Big Country conference room at West Texas Rehabilitation Center.  A light snack will be furnished at each of the sessions. There is no charge for the training; however pre-registration is required so there will be ample training materials for participants.

Sessions will be held October 11, 13, 18, 20, 25 and 27 from 5:30pm until 7:30pm.

Hospice of the Big Country volunteers are required to attend all sessions of the volunteer training course before they can start working with patients and their families.  The training program is a broad overview of end-of-life issues designed to educate volunteers about hospice and all the disciplines involved in caring for terminally ill patients.


For information and to reserve a place, please call the volunteer coordinator, Shronda Shannon at 325-793-5450.