High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Duck season ended Jan. 24 in the High Plains and the consensus was a successful season. Lots of water in the Panhandle gave ducks ample habitat and hunters a plethora of playa lakes to hunt. Lots of mallards, teal, pintails, gadwalls and wigeons were taken from playas and feed lots ponds. Goose season runs through Feb. 7, and prospects are fair for decoying action. Many outfitters say this season has been a tough year to pattern birds, probably due to a low count of juvenile birds. The Light Goose Conservation Order in the West Zone begins Feb. 8. Prospects are fair.
South Zone Duck: As is normally the case, the coast was the hotspot for ducks in Texas. However, a wet winter scattered ducks along the prairies and marshes. The excess water was good for ducks, but made it harder for hunters to pattern ponds. Gadwalls, wigeons, pintails and teal were the most prevalent species taken on the prairie. Coastal hunters in Port O’Connor and Rockport saw steady flight of redheads and pintails throughout. Goose season ended Jan. 24 and most hunters are happy to put the 2009-10 campaign to bed. Some seasoned hunters have said this was the toughest goose hunting they can remember, probably due to a low juvenile count estimated at less than three percent. The Light Goose Conservation Order began Jan.25. Participation was light.