gasprices9_27_09Residents in Brownwood & the surrounding area probably noticed a significant drop in fuel prices this past week.

Regular unleaded prices are between $2.39 – $2.25 per gallon with the majority of gas stations below the $2.30 mark.  Prices have not been this low since mid-July and this may not be the end of the price slide.

Oil prices and wholesale gasoline prices tumbled during the week with oil closing at $66.59 per barrel in Friday according to taking about a $4 drop for the week.  Wholesale gas prices also took a tumble.  Much of the decline is due to a report issued by the US Department of Energy last week showing low demand for fuel while supplies in most areas are high. shows that prices are falling state wide with the average price per gallon for regular unleaded at $2.29 in Texas.  There are a few reports showing gas prices right around the $2.00 mark in a few areas of the state.

Near term indicators are showing a possible steady to lower price for fuel in the upcoming week.

Check back next week for the most recent information on the local fuel markets.