The Wednesday Evening Jackpots started off with a bang on Wednesday, March 16th as 33 contestants showed up to kick off the 2011 season.  Each Wednesday, sign up is from 4:45 to 5:20 pm at the dam ramp and fishing Hours are from 5:30 to 9:00 pm sharp.

Wes Michael showed up to the scale with a Jackpot season record 16.95 lbs and in this bag of beauties was his anchor fish of 8.30 lbs and all fish that were brought to the scales were released alive. The Jackpot has a strictly enforced rule of NO DEAD FISH will be weighed in so that make the contestants take special care of our resources. To my knowledge in the last 3 years we have only lost about 10 fish out of over 2500 fish weighed in so hats off to the competitors which range from 5 to 70ish years old, men, women and children.

With the low waters, entry into Lake Brownwood with a Bass Boat is limited. The ramp at the dam is still open and has a long way before something else needs to be done. The Brown County Water Improvement District Field Service along with the BCWID Lake Patrol added gravel rock to the ends of the ramp fixing some of the troubles that were found by a couple of pleasure crafts.  Due to the low water conditions causes reduction places to moor our boats during the tournament so tournament officials have been allowing the contestants to leave a little early to keep the ramp area from being too congested.

Hazards are popping up all around the lake and caution is advised while boating.  Safety first no matter what!

Standings are as follows for the March 16th tournament on Lake Brownwood:

Participants: 33


Lake Conditions: Weather  was clear.  Winds were 13 to 25 mph SE.  Air temp: start 77º end 69º

Water was Murky 58º to 62º

There were 17 fish weighed in for a total of 45.29 lbs.

Out of 33 contestants 11 people weighed in fish with 1 limits.


1.       Wes Michael…………………………………………..16.95

2.       Joey Wynn………………………………………………6.27

3.       Danny Armstrong……………………………………..5.36

4.       Paul Hutchins…………………………………………..2.98

5.       Troy Lowery……………………………………………2.72

6.       Casey Carlisle………………………………………….2.64

7.       Chad Conner……………………………………………2.18

8.       Tommy Harrell…………………………………………1.77

9.       Josh Cox…………………………………………………1.72


1.       Wes Michael…………………………………………..8.30

2.       Joey Wynn……………………………………………..4.87


1.       Wes Michael…………………………………………….8.30

2.       Joey Wynn……………………………………………….4.87


1.       Wes Michael…………………………………………..16.95

2.       Joey Wynn………………………………………………..6.27


1.       Wes Michael…………………………………………………17.45

2.       Joey Wynn……………………………………………………..6.77

3.       Danny Armstrong…………………………………………….5.86

4.       Paul Hutchins………………………………………………….3.48

5.       Troy Lowery……………………………………………………3.22

6.       Casey Carlisle………………………………………………….3.14

7.       Bruce Toeppich………………………………………………..2.47

8.       Tommy Harrell…………………………………………………2.27

9.       Josh Cox…………………………………………………………2.22

10.   Chris Cornett……………………………………………………..1.99

11.   Joel Hoover……………………………………………………….1.96

12.   Craig Miller………………………………………………………..0.50

13.   Brandon Anglin……………………………………………………0.50

14.   Brian Clark…………………………………………………………0.50

15.   Larry Stallings…………………………………………………….0.50

16.   Brandon Day………………………………………………………0.50

17.   Clint Eoff……………………………………………………………0.50

18.   Brad Isom………………………………………………………….0.50

19.   Tony Jones…………………………………………………………0.50

20.   Brent Cox…………………………………………………………..0.50

21.   James Stout……………………………………………………….0.50

22.   Daniel Denton……………………………………………………..0.50

23.   Frank Bartek……………………………………………………….0.50

24.   Steven Armstrong………………………………………………..0.50

25.   Jennetta Brown……………………………………………………0.50

26.   Jason Behler……………………………………………………….0.50

27.   Isaiah Salazar……………………………………………………..0.50

28.   Lance Bills………………………………………………………….0.50

29.   Tanner Carlisle……………………………………………………0.50

30.   Chance Cleveland………………………………………………..0.50

31.   Tommy Moreno…………………………………………………..0.50