AgriLifeExtensionDo you want to capture all the water that is on / under your land?  Do you know if you can legally do that? None of us have enough water so whatever we do in the near future needs to be done right. If you really want to find out what your rights are then mark your calendars for Tuesday evening September 27th. That is the date of the Water Rights Program which will be held at the Brown County Fair Grounds on Hwy 377 S.

The program will start at 6:00p.m. and is open to anyone interested. There will be a $10 registration fee at the door. The speaker will be Judon Fambrough, Senior Lecturer and Attorney at Law with the Texas Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University.      Mr. Fambrough will talk on The Ownership and Usage of Water on Your Property.


He will cover such topics as: Do you own the water on and under your property?  What uses can you make of the water without getting a permit?  Who owns the streambeds and dry gulleys on your property?  What’s the difference between a stream that is navigable in fact and one navigable in law? What impact does navigability have on your minerals interests?  What rights do oil companies have to use surface and groundwater on your property? How did the new statute that became effective 9/1/11 affect your water rights? Must you get a permit to build a pond or lake on your property?

For more information or have questions you can contact the Brown County Extension Office at 325-646-3086.