BCWIDtransThe Brown County Water Improvement District #1 (BCWID) approved dredging in Lake Brownwood at their board meeting Tuesday evening.

BCWID General Manager Dennis Spinks said that the district will now allow waterfront property owners to conduct dry dredging between the current water level and the normal maximum lake level of 1425 msl.   Currently, Lake Brownwood is about 9 feet low which will allow waterfront property owners to work on the dry lakebed by their property.

“If the lake continues to come up, it will not be applicable to have dredging if the lake is full because we do not want dredging to occur below the level of the water or under water,” Spinks said.

This dry dredging will require the property owner to acquire a permit from the BCWID and follow some specific guidelines.

“Anyone who wishes to do dredging, I will have these guidelines for them,” Spinks said. “Everyone is going to have to get a permit before dredging.”

One key guideline for dredging is that material must be scooped up and removed from the lakebed or near the lakebed so it will not wash back into the lake.  Material cannot be pushed or moved around, but is required to be removed from the lake.  Guidelines also required that dredging be confined within the owner’s extended property lines, and the sloped sides of the dredged area must be between a 45 degree and 1 degree slope.  Potholes are also not allowed.

Spinks said that the Lake Patrol will be checking dredging areas to ensure that guidelines are followed.

“This dredging is to facilitate the waterfront property owners to do what is called maintenance dredging around their docks,” Spinks said.

For more information about dredging at Lake Brownwood, contact the BCWID at 325-643-2609.

In other business discussed at Tuesday’s board meeting:

-BCWID accepted the final draft of a feasibility study on ground water by J.P. Nicot with Bureau of Economic Geology.   The study recommends drilling two test wells, one is the southwest part of Brown County and the other just east of Brownwood in the area of the old Hot Wells.

-BCWID accepted a re-plat and approved a new resolution designating Flat Rock Park.  They also renewed the lease for Flat Rock Park for a 15 year term.

-BCWID approved at new 20 year lease for Kirkland Docks.

-BCWID revised their fee structure for fishing tournaments.  Now the fee will be $1 per person entered into any tournament and will be capped at $50.

-BCWID approved leaving the Drought Contingency Plan at Stage 3 at this time.