Brownwood News – The Central Texas Veterans Memorial organization observed Memorial Day by honoring Vietnam War veterans from Central Texas.  A stone monument was recently placed in the  Central Texas Veterans Memorial Park, inscribed with the names of eleven Central Texas men who made the ultimate sacrifice, giving up their lives, in service to their country while serving in Vietnam.  The eleven men are:

Raymond Rodriguez Delgado

Eddie Lee Ephraim

James T. Griffin, Jr.

J.D. Harrell

Phillip Hease Holmes

Arthur Earl Keesee

Brit P. Lemmons

Willard Alton Perry, Jr.

Michael Autrey Teague

Nelson Payne Tuttle

Kenneth Wayne Wheeler

This monument was recently added to the Central Texas Veterans Memorial Park, in honor of the eleven men from Central Texas who lost their lives in the Vietnam War

     Guest of Honor was Sgt. Robert E. O’Malley USMC, of Goldthwaite, who served in Vietnam in 1965, and received the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery and valor.  According to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, the CMOH is “the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.” O’Malley is one of only 71 living recipients of the award.

Sgt. Robert O’Malley and Dr. Steve Kelly, past President of the Central Texas Veterans Memorial Park, unveil the plaque in honor of Sgt. O’Malley

     A plaque was recently placed in the Veterans Memorial Park in honor of O’Malley.  It tells the story of O’Malley’s actions which earned him the Medal of Honor:

“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the Communist (Viet Cong) forces at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a squad leader in Company “I”, Third Battalion, Third Marines, Third Marine Division (Reinforced) near An Cu’ong 2, South Vietnam, on 18 August 1965.  While leading his squad in the assault against a strongly entrenched enemy force, his unit came under intense small arms fire.  With compete disregard for his personal safety, Corporal O’Malley raced across an open rice paddy to a trench line where the enemy forces were located.  Jumping into the trench, he attacked the Viet Cong with his rifle and grenades, and singly killed eight of the enemy.  He then led his squad to the assistance of an adjacent Marine unit which was suffering heavy casualties.  Continuing to press forward, he reloaded his weapon and fired with telling effect into the enemy emplacement.  He personally assisted in the evacuation of several wounded Marines, and again regrouping the remnants of his squad, he returned to the point of the heaviest fighting.  Ordered to an evacuation point by an officer, Corporal O’Malley gathered his besieged and badly wounded squad, and boldly led them under fire to a helicopter for withdrawal.  Although three times wounded in this encounter, and facing imminent death from a fanatic and determined enemy, he steadfastly refused evacuation and continued to cover his squad’s boarding of helicopters while, from an exposed position, he delivered fire against the enemy until his wounded men were evacuated.  Only then, with his last mission accomplished, did he permit himself to be removed from the battlefield.  By his valor, leadership, and courageous efforts in behalf of his comrades, he served as an inspiration to all who observed him, and reflected the highest credit upon the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.”

Sgt. Robert E. O’Malley USMC

     O’Malley was presented the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Lyndon B. Johnson on December 6, 1966, in Austin Texas.


The Central Texas Veterans Memorial Park is located in the Camp Bowie area, across the street from Brownwood Regional Medical Center.  It features monuments and plaques in honor of all men and women from Central Texas who served the United States in military service.  Also on display are a restored Willys Jeep from World War II, and a restored Huey helicopter from the Vietnam War.

This Vietnam era Huey helicopter is on display at the Central Texas Veterans Memorial Park

(story and photos by Mike Blagg)