A free seminar on mentoring and for recovering fatherless and father-challenged children of single parent homes is being offered by Victory Life Church.  Parents, coaches, pastors, counselors, teachers, board members, and administrators are invited to attend four 90 minute seminars to earn credit for Professional Development.

Sessions will be conducted by Ronald E. Johnson, C. Ph. D. in cooperation with Paradigm Professional Institute and Victory Life Church.  Dr. Johnson is approved by the Texas Education Agency as an official trainer for teachers, administrators and board members, and is known and respected for his insight on fatherless children.

These seminars will be offered February 7, 8, 10 and 11 from 6:00-7:30pm at the auditorium of Victory Life Church, located at 901 C.C. Woodson Road in Brownwood.  No admission will be charged.

Public school educators and juvenile case workers will receive a certificate for six hours of Professional Development credit from Paradigm Professional Institute.

For more information call: 325-646-3420 or 325-649-0976.