Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3278 and the Ladies and Men’s Auxiliary will observe the signing of the Korean Armistice on July 9th at 6:00 PM at the VFW Post at 2300 Stephen F. Austin.
The United States involvement in the Korean War officially lasted over 3 years with forces still stationed there to prevent more hostilities.
The public is invited to attend this commemoration.
The Korean Armistice Agreement is the armistice which ended the Korean War. It was signed by U.S. Army Lieutenant General William Harrison, Jr. representing the United Nations Command (UNC), North Korean General Nam Il representing the North Korean People’s Army, and the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army.
The armistice was signed on July 27, 1953, and was designed to “insure a complete cessation of hostilities and of all acts of armed force in Korea until a final peaceful settlement is achieved.” No “final peaceful settlement” has been achieved yet. The signed armistice established the Korean Demilitarized Zone (de facto a new border between the two nations), put into force a cease-fire, and finalized repatriation of prisoners of war. The Demilitarized Zone runs not far from the 38th parallel which separated Northern and Southern Koreas before the war.