OIFprogram2013VFW Post 3278 along with the Ladies and Men’s Auxiliaries observed the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom during their meeting at 6:00 PM Wednesday, August 14th at the VFW Post, 2300 Stephen F. Austin.

Veterans of OIF and their families were invited to the observation, with 40 members in attendance and adding several new members to the post.

Below is a brief history of the operations in Iraq, provided by the VFW:

On the morning of January 16, 1991, Allied forces began the first phase of Desert Storm, also known as Desert Shield. American forces first destroyed Iraqi border radar stations, then other key elements of the Iraqi anti-aircraft network; lastly, they began to bomb key targets in downtown Iraq, including the presidential palace, communication centers, and power stations. The Allied forces lost only two aircraft during the attacks. The assault continued day and night.

On March 19th 2003, President George W. Bush addresses the nation via live television and announced that Operation Iraqi Freedom has begun. Bush authorized the mission to rid Iraq of dictator Saddam Hussein and eliminate Hussein’s ability to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

2,666 days later, on August 18, 2010, President Barack Obama ends the U.S. combat operations in Iraq as the last of the combat troops and equipment complete their withdrawal from the country. The official end of Operation Iraqi Freedom is 31 August.

Total Killed In Action:  4486

Total  Wounded 32223

1 Listed as Missing In Action

To the Veterans of Iraqi Freedom, the post states, “Welcome home, job well done.”

Pictured above is the recognition ceremony held last Wednesday at the VFW Post.