
The VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 3278 recently presented a special memory book to the son of a military woman, SPC Karen LeBlanc Swain (U.S. Army), who was killed in an auto accident in March.

She was active duty until January and transferred to the Active Reserves when she was killed.  She had served one deployment in Afghanistan.

Above is a picture of Liam and his family after the presentation of the memory book from the VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 3278. Pictured left to right are:  Regan, sister; Carolyn Snell, grandmother;
Dennis Swain and Liam holding his scrapbook.

Below are additional pictures of Liam and his mother.



Liam’s mother, SPC Karen LeBlanc


Pictured above:  Keith King, Commander VFW Post 3278, Liam Swain, Jane Masters, President VFW Ladies Auxiliary as memoriy book was presented.

Les Beasley (pictured right), member and veteran, shaking Liam’s hand.