
VFW Post 3278 observed the 4th of July by conducting a flag retirement ceremony Wednesday.

Senior Vice Commander James Masters, dressed in his Centennial Army Uniform, read the account of the first reading of the Declaration of Independence.  Junior Vice Commander Todd Powell played “To the Colors” to honor the incoming United States Flag at the ceremony.  Tom Denison lowered the colors for the last time for the retiring colors.

Around 20 members and guests attended the ceremony.  Post member James Simmons retired the colors in the flames as required by the US flag code.

Following the observance, the Post enjoyed a 4th of July rib eye and shrimp boil picnic.  The Post also assisted Cross Country Nursing Home with a flag retirement ceremony.

Pictured above are Sr. Vice Commander James Masters reading the account of the first reading of the Declaration of Independence and Jr. Vice Commander Todd Powell standing ready to play “To the Colors.”

Below are additional pictures of the ceremony.


