The Brown County Veteran Service Office and the District 8 VFW Service Officer will conduct a Veteran Benefit Seminar 9:00AM-2:00PM (or till business is complete) Saturday, July 23rd.
VFW Post 3278 and The Ladies Auxiliary at 2300 Crockett Drive, in Brownwood Industrial Park, will host the seminar. The Post is located across from the CENTX Soccer Facility.
Veterans, Widows of Veterans, and their dependents are invited. Currently representatives from the Veterans Administration (VA) Waco Regional Office, VA Health Services Administration, TX Land Board, and the Vet Center will be available for questions.
Veterans who have a service connected (not in appeal status) claim pending with the Waco Regional Office can call the Brown County Veterans Servie Office and request their file be brought to the meeting and reviewed.