Brownwood News – A Veteran Appreciation Program and Lunch, sponsored by Buckmaster American Deer Foundation, will be held at Early High School from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Thursday, November 7.

The Early Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with Early High School to honor and recognize the Veterans in the community.  There will be performances from the Early Elementary Choir and Early High School Band.  The keynote speaker is James Libby, Retired Navy Commander and Chaplin.


Lunch will be catered by Chipster’s BBQ and will be served at the Early Visitors and Event Center.  Meal sponsors include ASAP Creative Arts, Andy’s Pest Troopers, Followwell Property Group and Ranger College.

Door prize sponsors include Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure, Citizens National Bank, Keg 1 O’Neal, LLC.

If you know a veteran attending, please share their name and the branch they served with so that they can be recognized properly at the event.

PLEASE RSVP by calling 325-649-9317.