
“Women Like Us” was the theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School at the Ron Jackson State Juvenile Correctional Complex, which was held the last week of July.

This year’s third annual VBS was hosted by members of Coggin Avenue Baptist Church.  For many of the students at the facility, this was their first time to ever participate in VBS.  Prior to this event, many of the students had never heard of VBS, let alone attended such an event as a child.

Each afternoon, the 29 students that were chosen to attend the week-long event participated in Bible Study lessons, recreation, arts and crafts, and snacks.  Each of the four days centered on a different woman of the Bible who made an impact on her community through her faith in God.  The young ladies at the facility were encouraged and inspired to do the same.

At the close of each afternoon, Pastor Tim Skaggs spoke to the young ladies about making a commitment to Christ through the model of Admit, Believe, and Confess.  The students were able to see the example of Christian love modeled through each of the 23 Coggin members that spent their time, resources, and energy in making VBS such a success at the facility.