lady_lions_and_6thThe Brownwood High School varsity girls have recently been attending the Brownwood Intermediate School sixth-grade intramurals that are held after school and have been helping to coach and cheer on the players.

BHS basketball coach, Heather Hoertz, and BHS volleyball coach, Lorrie Beelby, assist in the success of the athletic mentoring program by bringing the varsity girls to the gym where they also help to coach and referee.

“This was a great opportunity for the sixth-grade girls to learn from current Lady Lions,” said BIS coach, Stefenia Phipps. “It’s good for them to see some of the skills they will need in the future.”

Coach Phipps and the intramural players continue to benefit from the mentoring program and have expressed gratitude for all the help and support. “The varsity girl’s presence at the games makes the energy level higher and more exciting,” noted Phipps. “Thank you to the BHS girls programs for mentoring these future Lady Lions.”
