Vance Hill released the following statement Monday announcing his candidacy for County Commissioner Precinct 1:
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Vance Hill. I am seeking office for Commissioner Precinct 1, Brown County, Texas. I will be running on the Republican ticket, pending the redistricting issues.
I am married to Angie Hill. We have three children. I was born and raised in Brown County and have spent most of my life living in Precinct 1. I have served the public for 25 years as a Peace Officer for the State of Texas, 21 of those in Brown County. I have conservative values. My honesty and integrity have never been questioned.
I spent many of those years as the Criminal Investigator and Office Administrator for the Brown County District Attorney’s Office. During those years I worked closely with Commissioners Court. This experience enabled me to have a good working understanding of the laws which govern Commissioner’s Court. I understand and can work within the County Government to achieve goals that are for the good of the citizens of Brown County.
I am also the owner/operator of an Agriculture Business in Brown County. I have managed my personal business and finances successfully through the worst drought in Texas history. I have managed to do this just like every other farmer and rancher in Brown County; through perseverance, hard work and good, but tough business decisions.
I have a passion for public service and would be honored to continue to serve you in the capacity of Commissioner of Precinct 1. I will be diligent in managing our tax dollars and fulfilling the needs of the residents of Brown County by performing the duties of Commissioner to the best of my abilities.
I would appreciate your support in the upcoming election. I hope to meet those of you who do not know me by making myself available to you during the months prior to election to answers any questions or concerns you may have. I will continue this practice after the election.
Your vote and support will not be wasted.
Candidates for local elections may submit an announcement of their candidacy to Announcements will be published once and in the order they are received until the end of the second filing period.