
Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes announced Friday during his State of the City presentation that United Supermarkets is in negotiations to put a store in Brownwood.

Haynes said that United has been negotiating with the Holley family who owns the property where Bruner Auto Group was located before it moved to Early.

“The city is currently under negotiations with United Grocery Stores out of Lubbock, Texas,” Haynes said.  “And United in looking into that lot, has a proposed agreement with the Holleys, the owners of that lot.  It is not a done deal.”

According to Haynes, recruiting United has been a two year process, with Brownwood Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Emily Crawford and Brownwood Chamber of Commerce Marketing Manager Ray Tipton working directly with Haynes to get a substantial retailer to go on that lot since it is one of Brownwood’s most prominent locations for retail business.

“There are some hurdles to be overcome,” Haynes said.  “As far as the city goes, we have not voted to do anything with United, (there are) issues in regard to the real estate contract with the Holleys, but a lot of time and investment has gone on with United and things are optimistic at this standpoint.”

Although Haynes said it is not a “done deal,” he is optimistic that a deal can be put together soon with United Supermarkets.

“I don’t think it will be long before we will know if that project is going to go through,” Haynes said. “It is my understanding their contract will be consummated here shortly if it is going to.  So we are excited about it at this point.”

Haynes said that United Supermarkets showed interest in Brownwood directly through the efforts of the consulting firm the Retail Coach that was hired by the City, Chamber, and BEDC in 2010.

Haynes said that Aaron Farmer with the Retail Coach initiated the idea with United.  Haynes, Brownwood City Manager Bobby Rountree, Crawford and Tipton first met with their CEO in 2012, and United has since spent a lot of time in the Brownwood market.

“We are very happy to have them consider it and certainly optimistic,” Haynes said.

United Supermarkets is headquartered in Lubbock, Texas and has 51 stores in 30 Texas cities and over 10,000 workers.    On September 9, 2013, United Supermarkets LLC was sold to Albertsons LLC but will still be operated under the United name.

Pictured above is Haynes making the announcement to business leaders at his State of the City presentation during Friday’s Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the Brownwood Country Club.