UILThe University Interscholastic League announced the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 tentative football and basketball district assignments on the enclosed list.

Realignments including Brown County teams are as follows:


Dist.3-4A Division I: Abilene Wylie, Brownwood, Big Spring, Snyder, and Stephenville

District 3-3A Division 1: Brady, Clyde Comanche, Early, Merkel, and Tuscola Jim Ned

District 4-3A Division 2: Bangs, Cisco, Coleman, Dublin, Eastland, and Tolar

Dist. 10-A Division I: Blanket, Evant, Jonesboro, and Zephyr

Dist. 11-A Division I: Gordon, Gorman, Lingleville, May

Dist. 12-A 6-Man Division II: Brookesmith, Gustine, Mullin, Sidney, Valera Panther Creek


District 5-4A: Abilene Wylie, Brownwood, Big Spring, Snyder and Sweetwater

District 6-3A: Bangs, Brady, Coleman, Comanche, Dublin, and Early

District 15-1A: Baird, Clyde Eula, Cross Plains, May, Rising Star, Santa Anna, and Valera Panther Creek

District 16-1A: Brookesmith, Cherokee, Eden, Lohn, Menard, Paint Rock, Richland Springs, and Rochelle

District 19-1A: Blanket, Gustine, Lometa, Mullin, Priddy, Sidney, and Zephyr

The spring meet and other athletic district alignments will be released no later than April 15, 2016, according to UIL officials.