TYFL_LogoTexas Youth Football League is now registering kids in the 3rd through 6th grades who want to have fun and learn how to play tackle football.  The Texas Youth Football League (TYFL) signup forms are available at Weakly Watson Sporting Goods, Hibbet Sports, and Matrix Cheer and Dance.

TYFL’s goal is to prepare kids for Jr. High and High School tackle football by teaching them the terms, drills, and plays they will be using at those levels. The season kicks off with Draft Day on August 15th held at Coggin Park beginning at 10:00 a.m.

The season fee is $50.00 and includes the Game Jersey but all other equipment needs to be purchased separately.  For any questions regarding signups or sponsorships to help the local TYFL program, please call Uncle Louie at 713-992-4184 or Marcus Kallman at 512-470-9680.