During their September 2009 meeting, the Texas Transportation Commission (Commission) adopted draft strategic direction statements for the agency. These new statements are designed to provide attainable performance results that the public can use to easily measure our organization.
With that in mind, TxDOT is engaged in a statewide public education and outreach through our districts and divisions to collect public input from across the state. The Brownwood district has chosen the “Public Open House” format as a way to access information from the public on issues concerning the future of transportation in our state.
The open house will be a free flow process where participants will be guided through resource material interactively that will outline the direction TxDOT is moving. The entire experience will require less than 30 minutes to complete.
The open house for the nine county Brownwood district is scheduled for Thursday, November 12, 2009, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Brownwood District Office, 2495 Hwy 183 N., Brownwood, Texas, 76802.
Those not attending but would like to voice your opinion may complete an online survey at: http://webservices.camsys.com/txdotstratplan/