tuckerdemoThe Brownwood Art Association will feature Charlotte Garrett Tucker and her pocket watch art during their monthly demonstration from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 11 at the BAA Art Center located at 215 Fisk Ave.

The public is invited to attend this free demonstration.

Tucker resides in Brownwood with her children.  She started creating pocket watch art 7 years ago after the passing of her sister who died of breast cancer.  Charlotte is self-taught, but continues to study new techniques to enhance her art.  She reuses broken and old outdated jewelry and watches. She loves antique jewelry and wants to see it reused.

Charlotte has been featured on Texas Country Reporter, featured in Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine, Abilene Reporter News, Brownwood Bulletin and was a guest on the radio syndicate The Tumbleweed Smith Show.  She has also been a featured artist at the Texas Reporter Festival.