
Texas State Technical College West Texas presented awards to graduating students at the Brownwood campus Thursday night in their 2014 summer student awards ceremony which marked the end of the semester and celebrated achievements of students.

Students at the Brownwood campus received special honors Thursday evening including program awards, leadership awards, outstanding graduate awards and several special honors.

Joanna Brandstetter received the President’s Award for the Brownwood campus.  One graduate from each TSTC campus is selected for this award, the highest award given by TSTC each semester.  Brandstetter, according to her instructor Traci Thacker, will graduate Friday night with a 4.0 GPA and is already working in her field of software and business management.  Brandstetter is pictured above center with Interim Vice President of Student Development Forrest McMillian (left) and instructor Traci Thacker (right).

Other honorees included:

Outstanding Graduate


Joanna Brandstetter


Stephen Roddy (also pictured is Jay Burks, Welding Instructor)

Program Awards

Joaquina Miller – Associate Degree Nursing (not present)


Kimberly Nolen – Computer Science Technology
Angelica Gamez – Computer Science Technology (not present)

Also pictured above is Computer Science Technology Master Instructor Julie Rhoades.


Lane Gibson – Digital Media

Also pictured is Associate Vice President of Enrollment Brian Kight.


Jessica Lloyd – Software and Business Management.   Also pictured is software and Business Management Instructor Traci Thacker.

Joanna Brandstetter – Software and Business Management (not pictured)


Justin Thompson – Welding Technology

Also pictured is Welding Technology instructor Jay Burks.

Leadership Awards

Cindy Elliott (not pictured)


Heather Baker (also pictured is Nicole Whitley, Admissions Advisor)


Ashely Davis (also pictured is Welding Instructor Jay Burks).


Austin Del Bosque


Stephen Roddy

The Beta Iota Chi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa inducted new members prior to the awards ceremony.  Pictured below are newly inducted members.
