
TSTC Brownwood welcomed guest speaker Jessica Cox to their annual Blossom event on Wednesday.  The event, attended by 43 local high school and middle school girls, focused on teaching young women about STEM programs (science, technology, engineering and math), and raised awareness of the career fields available to them.

“We’re trying to promote STEM to make young females aware of the possibilities that aren’t traditional roles for their gender,” said Carminia Del Toro of TSTC.

Cox, of Tucson, Arizona, was born without both arms. She has been a motivational speaker since she was a sophomore in high school, the age of many Blossom attendees.  At 32-years-old now, she has traveled the world, speaking at events in 20 different countries.

Cox is the author of a self help book, “Disarm Yourself,” the story of her life that explains eight motivational principles. “I think it’s important for people to know that God made us all unique and that there’s no reason to hide it.  I like that this area of the country doesn’t mind me talking about God because how can I deny it,” she said regarding her tour of the TSTC West Texas campuses.

She has used her faith as strength to accomplish many things difficult for those with all of their limbs, such as surfing, playing piano, being a pilot, obtaining a black belt in Tai Kwon Do, and living a normal life using her feet as others use their hands.  She holds the Guinness World Record for being the first person in aviation history to fly a plane with only her feet.

In addition to Cox’s speech, attendees also took part in team building exercises and enjoyed tours of the different STEM programs offered at TSTC.

Early High School sophomore Courtnie Smith attended the event and stated, “I learned that limitations we think we have, you can get over them.  You can jump straight over the walls that are in front of you.”

Pictured above are attendees with Cox during the event.  Below, Cox signs an autograph for a student.
